時間:2016-02-16 16:22:08 | 信息來源:深圳市元卓翻譯有限公司 | 發布者:admin
元卓翻譯為您帶來更多翻譯資訊 我們已開出以貴方為受益人的保兌信用證。 We have opened a confirmed credit in your favour. 以貴方為受益人,我們開出不可撤銷的的保兌信用證。 We have opened a confirmed and irrevocable credit in your favour. 我們被請求已開出以貴方為受益人的信用證,特此通知。 We are pleased to inform you that we have been requested to open a credit in your favour. 我們已開出商業信用證,特此通知。 We intimate to you that we have issued a commercial letter of credit. 如支票不獲兌現時,不必出具拒絕證書。 Not to be protested in case of dishonour/protest waived/no protest. 定期存款的條件為年利6%,存期6個月以上,只要金額1,000元,我們均樂意接受。 We shall be pleased to receive a fixed deposit for any amount more than $1,000, for a period over six months at the rate of 6% p.a. 謹同函寄上新開定期存款第500號存折一份,面額100,000元請查收為荷。該面額等于您寄來換新的舊存=折本金加上利息之和。 Enclosed please find a new deposit certificate No. 500 for $100,000, which represents the principal and interest of the old certificate you sent us for renewal. 如存款為100元以上,我們將樂意接受。 We shall be glad to receive deposits of 100 yen and upward. 到目前為止,我公司應收帳尚有二萬美元。茲奉上結算報告書一份,敬請查收為荷。 Enclosed we hand you a statement of account to date,showing a balance of $20,000 in our favour,which we trust will be found in order. 上開帳目,現正核對,如無錯誤,將遵照貴公司的指示,將轉入新開的帳戶內。 This account is under examination,and if found correct, it shall be carried to a new account, in conformity with your instructions. 您昨日函敬悉。茲遵照貴方請求,同函附上結算報告書,敬請惠予查收為荷。 Your favour of yesterday was duly received,and we hand you herewith a statement of your account as requested,which we hope you will find correct. 茲奉上棒鐵總價為512,000元清單一份,懇請列入我公司貸方帳項為荷。 We hand you our account on the bar iron,amounting to $512,000, which kindly pass to our credit. 懇請速予匯款為荷。 An early remittance will be appreciated. 遲付的60美元,請速予寄下為荷。 Please let us have your check for the $60 now past overdue. 有鑒于此,相信貴方將隨復函寄來支票,特此致謝。 With these facts before you, we feel sure that you will send us your check by return mail. Thank you. 我們懇求,對此部分能速予結帳為荷。 We urge that you make this settlement without delay. 何不立即對此案作一結算?請在今日將支票隨函發出即可。 Why not settle this matter now? Just attach your check to this letter,and send it by today’s mail. 為加清本帳目,我方多次催促,但未有任何效果。所以為收回本帳款項,準備向法院起訴,特此通知。 Having made repeated applications for payment of this amount without avail,we now give you notice that we shall take out a summons for recovery of the same. 下星期一以前未能清結本件款項,不得已,將委任我公司顧問律師處理。 We wish to state that if the account be not paid by Monday next, we shall be forced to place the matter in the hands of four solicitors. 貴方雖多次答應付款結帳,但迄今尚未結清。如在本月底以前,尚未拔款結清,只好委托我公司顧問律師處理。 In spite of your repeated promises to let us have a cheque, we are still without a settlement of your outstanding account,and therefore, unless same is settled by the end of this month, we shall be compelled to hand over the matter to our solicitor. 對于此事,貴方似乎在趁機利用我公司的寬容態度。本函系最后通告所,復函時請匯足夠金額,以結此帳,否則只好采取其它途徑,特此函告。 As you seem to take advantage of you leniency in this matter, we now give you the final notice that, unless we shall receive a substantial amount on account by return of post,we shall adopt other measures for its recovery. 茲同函奉上支票面額50000元,請記入近藤幸造先生的帳款內,同時請寄收據二份為荷。 Herewith we enclose a cheque,value $50,000, which please place to the credit of Mr. K.Kondo,and acknowledge receipt to us in duplicate. 依照佐藤先生指示并受其委托,茲奉上即期匯票一紙面額200000元。請貸入該人的帳戶為荷。 By order and for account of Mr. Satoh, I hand you enclosed a draft for $200,000 at sight, which please pass to the credit of his account. 深圳翻譯 翻譯公司 深圳翻譯公司 |